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熔體泵齒輪泵的清洗 Cleaning

發(fā)布日期:2013-11-02 08:44:23   來(lái)源:巴特熔體泵




  1. Remove the pump from the equipment, then put it into vacuum heater, increasing the temperature from 400-450℃ (750-850℉)推動並實現, the process of rising temperature shouldn’t be less than 2 hours. Give your attention to control temperature, if it is too hot, that will reduce the hardness of pump body and influence the dimension stability.

  2. The time for complete carbonized materials is 3 to 12 hours that depends on the material itself, the pump size, heating temperature and load of the heaters. Cooling the pump to room temperature naturally, it’s forbidden to cool the pump by force.

  3. You can return the pump to us for a complete repair when it is necessary.

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